ANXIOUS (Daily Encouragement Series)

Brian Sullivan   -  

The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases;

his mercies never come to an end;

they are new every morning;

great is your faithfulness.

“The LORD is my portion,” says my soul,

“therefore I will hope in him.” – Lamentations 3:22-24

It was Monday and I was overwhelmed and anxious. Not a great start to a week during a time when you already pretty much feel overwhelmed and anxious all the time. We were having two issues with the church that needed to be solved and both in areas I am not strong in (technology & administration). It sort of hit max level when I was messing with some dishes and saw the water swirling as we needed a new garbage disposal installed which I didn’t know how to do either. Pretty awesome. 

Looking back, I see a few things that were helpful to get “off the ledge” – 

  • Acknowledge it: It was helpful for me to stop and acknowledge that I was overwhelmed, that I had some things that were beyond my ability. To not beat myself up because I didn’t know how to do something. As this quote reminds us, to not lose heart but to be kind to yourself. 

“Anxiety, like sobriety, is best tackled one day and one step at a time. The important thing in either case is to not lose heart, and be kind to yourself.” – Brian W. Foster (from Managing Leadership Anxiety)

  • Go to sleep: My mom’s favorite verse was Lamenations 3:22: “his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Sometimes we just need a new day. It gives us a proper perspective on how “big” (or not big) a problem really is. It gives space for issues to be dealt with and resolved. It is an opportunity to acknowledge and display a trust and hope in God who is faithful. 
  • Let others in: Often God’s “mercy” comes through others. It was helpful to talk to Corrina about feeling anxious to help get clarity on the issues. It was helpful to share with a few friends how I was feeling who could help me navigate the things that were overwhelming. 

A quick text exchange with my friend Ethan who had already walked through the same administration issues got me going in the right direction. A long text exchange with an expert a friend shared our technology issues with brought clarity to the issue.  A video conference call with my friend Jamie who is using the same technology got us in a position to resolve the issues. All were more than happy to help relieve what was so overwhelming to me on my own. 

On top of all that, my mother-in-law sent a text in the morning that a plumber was on his way to the house to put in a new garbage disposal. She had helped with the kids last week and noticed it was broken – I hadn’t even shared how it was frustrating me!

I don’t know what is causing you anxiety and to feel overwhelmed, but I pray that these simple steps can help: 

*Acknowledge it and be kind to yourself 

*Trust and rest in the God who is faithful 

*Let others in and receive God’s mercy through them